

Damian Thomas
Strategy Manager
Phone: 02 9242 4063
[email protected]

Conference Motions

The Annual Conference is attended by LGNSW member organisations and is considered the supreme policy-making body of LGNSW.

It is also an opportunity for councillors to come together to share ideas and debate issues that shape the way LGNSW is governed.

Each year, LGNSW members are invited to submit motions for possible debate at the Annual Conference. A motion that is endorsed at the Annual Conference by a majority of voting delegates becomes a resolution (resolutions eventually form LGNSW policy and will guide LGNSW’s advocacy).

Motion open dates
Each year, LGNSW begins accepting motions about four months before the date of conference. Motions can be accepted by LGNSW for inclusion in the Conference Business Paper up to about one month before the conference.

What happens to endorsed motions?
After each conference, LGNSW reviews the endorsed motions (now resolutions) and amends the LGNSW Policy Platform as required.

The actions and outcomes of the LGNSW conference resolutions are published on the LGNSW website as an annual Action Report.