LGNSW Learning and Development

This course is available via:


Interactive online
Remote learning tailored to your council


In-house face to face
Delivered at your council


Member calendar training
Either face-to-face or interactive online for individual participants


Learning and Development  

Phone: 02 9242 4081
[email protected]

two hands, one with a ink pen, gesticulating.
Course Dates
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Business Storytelling in Local Government

Price: $462 incl GST
Duration: 9.00am - 12.30pm

Business Communication - Sharpen your Communication Skills.

This business communication workshop will teach you how to harness the power of a good story to influence colleagues, team members, clients and customers, stakeholders, sponsors and funders. Use stories to tap into their imagination and interest and translate facts and case studies into exciting concepts they can identify with. 

This intensive business communication course is packed with easy to apply techniques, how-to-steps, templates and examples. Discover why organisations across a variety of industries have embraced storytelling – why it works and what it can do for you.

This business communication workshop will cover the following content:
Expanding and contracting your story.
Getting comfortable telling stories.
Moving stories into multiple media.
Incorporating storytelling in your organisation.

Learning Outcomes:
On completing this business storytelling workshop participants should be able to:
1. create compelling stories using a range of practical methods and best practices.
2. share your story in a range of circumstances using different media.
3. keep stories fresh and engaging. 
4. bring storytelling into work: understanding the best context and most effective use of stories in your organization.

Who should attend?
This business communication workshop is suitable for management and staff of Local Government who are looking to develop their storytelling techniques. 

This business communication workshop will be delivered as an interactive face-to-face workshop. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and have them answered by an experienced facilitator.