GIPA Introduction & Advanced

Hands thumbing through a file in an open filing cabinet drawer.
The objective of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 is to make certain sorts of government information freely available to the public without the need for an access application.

The first half of the course is designed for staff and stakeholders who need to be aware of GIPA and its implications, but don’t need to understand the Act in intimate detail.

The second half of this workshop will provide detailed information and discussion on particular elements of the GIPA in order to hone your knowledge in areas that are either complex or new to access of council information.

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* Cancellations Less than seven days out from the course will not be returned.

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14/02/2024 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
AUS Eastern Summer Time
Interactive Webcast

COUNCIL STAFF:  If your council holds membership with Local Government NSW, this entitles all staff within the council to access member pricing by logging in or creating a LGNSW account. For more details, view our Frequently Asked Questions.

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