

Department of Planning, Industry and Environment

[email protected]

Perception Survey – Regulation and Support of Local Water Utilities

The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) is seeking feedback on its regulation and support of Local Water Utilities (LWUs).

DPIE is keen to understand the views of stakeholders and their views of how it regulates, supports, and works in partnership with LWUs.

The survey is the second of DPIE’s six-monthly surveys, with the first undertaken in June 2021. It will help DPIE keep track of high-level views of the department and help it understand and identify areas for improvement, including the introduction and development of the Town Water Risk Reduction Program (TWRRP).

The survey is anonymous, should take between 5-7 minutes to complete, and will be open until 30 December 2021.

Complete the survey

Results of the first DPIE survey taken in June 2021 are available on the DPIE website.